My first chance working with 126 Photography was a visual that he did for the MFTC Summit Networking Reception. I was blown away by the cinematography and quick turnaround.
I knew Chris was going to be my go to when it came to capturing essence of Business of Marketing Bootcamp (BOMB). I enjoy working with Chris because of his attention to detail, diligence, and sharp eye.
Michelle Ngome
African American Marketing Assocation
Our team of skilled videographers crafts compelling stories that captivate your audience. Whether it's an explainer video or a corporate profile, we've got you covered.
From enviable head shots photography to brand identity shoots, our signature 126 brand photography services are designed to elevate your brand and drive engagement.
We're committed to delivering exceptional quality in every project.
We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs, story, and goals.
Our team of creative professionals brings your brand story to life.
From audio to lighting and more, we pay close attention to every detail, ensuring that your project is perfect.
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